Saturday, February 25, 2012


  1. Huzzah! At long last! Wait... it's just a picture...

  2. Just thought of you guys today. Glad to see this mod is still alive :)

    Nice pic btw.
    Proportions and everything look just right.

  3. lol, at first I was like, "this has died a slow, silent death." then, Eqd has that my little portal trailer, and I'm like, "huh, could it be...?" so I look here, and all of a sudden, after months of absolute silence, an update!

    I hope this means it might one day be finished...

    1. I don't think that was related to this, actually.

      Also, Chell pony is adorable.

    2. My Little Portal looks like a 2D animation project. It's separate from ours.

  4. Finally, an update! Shame I'm so late to the party...

  5. I' m really happy to see this project is still running. Because of the lack of updates I already feared it 'd have stopped. I hope in the future you will get the appreciation you deserve. Thank you for making this, you're awesome.

  6. ok

    when i found out about this project i cryed at the awesomness
    then with the lake of updates for 4 months i cryed at the deadness
    now with another update im crying at the awesomeness again

    Dont Ever Do That To me again i was so worryed

  7. Don't you worry, we're alive and well. I'm super pumped for the stuff we're making. Updates will be sparse, but they'll get here sooner or later. :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Expect the next update to be soon and more impressive. Though, don't expect miracles. Updates should take 1-3 months at a time at the rate we're going at. The previous wait was due to the team being stuck, due to a lack of essential team members and communication.
