Thursday, July 7, 2011

Welcome to the Thinking with Ponies Blog

Greetings, bronies! We're excited to be here, bringing ponies into Portal 2. Our project is based on Pen Stroke's excellent fanfiction, which can be found here:

As of right now, we have a few things to show. There's Skyclimber's awesome map of Ponyville and the surroundings:

And then there's VFX Kid's pony Portal boot (draft version):

Finally, there's the pony model (by ActionScripter9109), which is currently in the process of being rigged for Source and turned into all the various characters:

Look for updates every couple of days or so, if all goes well. If you have modeling or Source modding experience and want to join the team, let us know, as we have plenty left to do!
Email address listed in "About Us" page


  1. And so it begins...

    ...hmm... that pony model shows much promise! Even though it looks more like a deer in the colored one...

    GLaDOS: Oh, look. A deer.

    ...also, there was one thing that never got asked earlier; what are you guys doing in terms of music? Do you have someone writing/editing crossover themes for BGM? Or will you be using the actual music from both Portal 2 and MLP?

  2. Yes, without mane or tail it looks very much like a deer, or maybe Rudolph.

    For music, we have the capacity to create original crossover themes, but I believe we're still working out the details on that. For ambience it's likely that we'll fall back on the Portal 2 soundtrack in parts.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yes, Pen Stroke is in on it. He's pretty busy with his own stuff but he contributes.

    Y'know, I kinda thought some others would comment too, after we got in the EqD nightly update. But it looks like we've had hits, so they must be lurkers. Can't complain.

  5. Hmm. Well, you disabled the Anonymous posting option... they must all be anons.

    Also, I wouldn't be surprised if the sheer awesomeness of this project hasn't quite sunk in just yet... I bet most people are still thinking that this is just a normal Portal 2 mod that happens to use Ponyville as a location and has a ponyfied main character avatar...

  6. Good catch. It's fixed now.

    Whether it's sunk in or not, we really haven't shared that much content yet. I think when we get more stuff up, there will be more interest. Time will tell.

  7. Oh, you mean that that wasn't intentional? Huh. Oh, well, you made me break my habit of anon posting, so at least something good came out of it. ^_^

    ...on a related note, you don't have "Reply to Comment" on, either... that may be a good thing to have once this thing gets rolling and people start asking questions...

    ...that reminds me, you don't have an FAQ about this, yet. I can go find some of the questions that were asked and answered on Equestria Daily and my own questions on this blog and write one for you in plain text on GoogleDocs, if you want. It's the least I could do for you after pestering you about this so much...

  8. Pestering? Hah. You're currently our #1 fan. If you would compile a list of questions and answers, that would be awesome! Just send it to the project email address (in About Us) and we'll try to make use of it.

    As far as replies being disabled... I didn't see the option for that in my quick tour of the Blogger settings. If I see it, I'll turn it on. I want it too!

  9. @ActionScripter9109

    Excellent. I've finished the FAQ and sent it to the project email. You can edit it on googledocs or whatever if you want. Feel free to cut, relocate, rephrase, or add as you see fit.

  10. @NotAGoodUsername360

    Thanks! I've made a copy and we'll go over it next time the team is assembled.

  11. Why? WHY?! Why don't i have Portal 2 for the PC and a computer that can support it?!

  12. @comrade_prozac

    Did you get the 360 version, or do you not have Portal 2 yet?

  13. For the modified Portal Gun, wouldn't it make more sense to just have the prongs that were on the front of the original portal gun be on the bottom of the hoof, like the portal gun itself, and function as the long fall boot mechanism?

  14. "I bet most people are still thinking that this is just a normal Portal 2 mod that happens to use Ponyville as a location and has a ponyfied main character avatar..."

    It isn't? What more is there in store? :D

  15. @Nulono

    As mentioned in the FAQ, this is based on the Better Living fanfiction, so it's actually going to be focused on the Aperture Labs facility more than Ponyville. In addition, there will be NPC's for the main story characters (primarily the mane 6 + Derpy), along with a story mode to match.

  16. Oh, okay. I guess I'm not familiar with how mods usually work.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Have you looked into the Garry's Mod ponies?

  19. @Nulono

    Yes. We're using our own models though, since we need specific appearances and capabilities from them. And besides, it doesn't hurt to have some variety in the world of 3D ponies.
