Hello Bronies. Skyclimber here, and it's time for our first update in... nearly two weeks? Bit longer than I remembered.... In any case, on with the blog!
As you're probably aware, a good chunk of the beginning of this game takes place in Ponyville, a location seen in bits and pieces over the course of the show MLP:FiM. Unfortunately, the creators of the show have yet to release layouts of the various buildings around town, so it's up to us, the fans, to make sure we get it right.
Here at Thinking with Ponies our goal is to make sure that our representation of Ponyville is extremely accurate. We want you to eventually be able to walk, run, jump, and portal around the same Ponyville that your favorite ponies are living their daily lives in with no mistakes. Unfortunately, with periodically changing backgrounds and crazy perspective issues, this often ends up being a major challenge. Doable, but tricky as all get out. So how are we making sure that we're being as accurate as is humanly possible? With apples.